Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Very, Merry, Not-Quite-Christmas Letter

 I think it’s really neat when people send Christmas letters. I enjoy receiving updates of what has happened in the last year from the people I care about. That is what I am doing here (but in reverse, I guess, as I am the one sending the update to you, and you are the one I care about). I know it’s not December yet, but a lot has happened in these past months. While this update could be written when my parents write our family Christmas card, I thought you might like to hear about it right now and hear about it from me. 

 I graduated from the Joshua Wilderness Institute last August. It was a year-long, intensive discipleship/intern program at Hume Lake (in the mountains of central California). It was incredibly difficult, and at the same time it was the very best experience. I learned about myself, about God, and a wide variety of life-skills. I got to do new things and I traveled all over the world! I also met some of the neatest people. 

 Then I returned home to the lovely state of Oregon. The following months were a challenging transition, though they held their own adventures! I was a “traveling companion” to Hawaii. I spent time each week with a trio of toddlers. I explored more of Portland. I stood on the border of Canada. I made art. I read books. I became lifeguard certified. I moved back to Hume for a month to teach outdoor school. I turned twenty years old. I also chaperoned my sister and her schoolmates on a field trip to Mexico! 

 And that brings me to the big news of this letter. I’m moving to Mexico. 

 I will be returning to the same place that I just visited with Maddie. It is called the NOE Center. It stands for “Nuevas Oportunidades Educativas” or “New Opportunities in Education”. (“Noe”, I found out, is also the Spanish translation of the name “Noah”.) It is located in Morelia, which is in south-central Mexico about four hours west of Mexico City. The program serves the community by providing extra-curricular classes (like English). It is a safe place for students to come and learn and also build friendships with the ultimate intent being that they meet Jesus Christ. It’s a really incredible thing they are doing. (You should just check it out:

 I will be living with a family or one of the other interns, teaching upper-level English, and simply being present in the community. My commitment is for nine months (September – June). This is a volunteer-based internship, meaning I will need to be financially self-sufficient through the duration of my time. I am in search of sponsors. If you are interested and able to support me, thank you. All of those details are listed on my blog. (Here!) Additionally, and most importantly, I need prayer. I will take all of it that you will give for me. So, when you and God are talking next, feel free to mention my physical health, emotional stamina, mental capacity, and spiritual enthusiasm. Thank you for that, too. 

 This blog will be the most efficient means for you to receive updates on me while I am south of the border. (You can also talk with my family. They will keep you filled in!) I will have limited access to the internet, but it would be great to get some comments from you! (I also enjoy paper-mail, though the international postal services seem to be less efficient. Thus, any mail should be sent to my current address in Oregon, where it will be held or forwarded to me by my family.) 

Well, that’s all, folks! Hasta luego! And I’ll be home for Christmas!

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