Saturday, August 23, 2014


I have had enough people curious about this adventure that there are some "frequently asked questions". (This is exciting!) So for you, the F.A.Qs:

Is it safe?
As safe as Portland.
(There are places you dont go late at night by yourself.)
I simply need to use my head and act responsibly.
And remember, I am a black belt : ).

How do I donate financially?
Look up and to the left, just below the title of the blog.
There is a bar that says "Home", and next to it is "The Financials".
It's orange.
That is where to go. It explains everything.

So... Do you speak Spanish?
Mas o menos. Tuve tres anos en la prepa. Yo no se muchas palabras, pero los estudiantes hablan en ingles. !Y voy a aprender mucho durante el tiempo alla!

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