Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Comment about Commenting.

Hey there, Readers!
I have received a little bit of feedback from ya'll. (Which I really enjoy, by the way.)
The comments were like this: "We can't leave comments on your blog!"
That's a dilemma, isn't it?
I've since updated my settings, which should ease this process and allow ALL of you to comment on any given post.
How's that sound?

Here's how to do it:
1. Scroll to the very bottom of the post.
2. There should be a box in which to write your note.
3. Select who you shall "Comment as"
  • The preferred option is "Name/URL". (Simply type your name in the given space. Leave "URL" blank.) 
  • OR, you can comment as "Anonymous". (With this option, please make sure to put your name in the comment itself, otherwise I won't know who you are!)
4. Publish.

Finished! This should be much simpler and add ease in your ability to comment.
(Feel free to even practice on this post!)

I look forward to hearing back from YOU!