Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"My Thoughts on Traveling as They Relate to Costco."

<<I don't remember specifically when I wrote this. Probably a few months ago. I just found it. And if you take the time to read it, it will give you a clear expression of the state I had been living in. >>

Some people go abroad for a week. It’s an introduction to something foreign. Quick and exciting. You get to see the surface and experience the culture, without much commitment. Like the sample-tables at Costco. And this makes it fairly fun and enjoyable. Minus the diarrhea because your digestive system didn’t have time to adjust. (See: every spring break missions trip)

Others drop everything and move. Permanently. They have let go of one lifestyle and grabbed completely on to another. The day-in-day-out challenges that make you exhausted and dirty and some people think you are a crazy person, but to others you are a hero. These people are the ones that have invested in the Costco-sized jar of pickles, if you will. You only buy it if you are pretty darn certain you are going to eat all of it. Or die trying. (See: Hudson Taylor, etc.)

And then there is me. And this is what is tough. Really, the hardest thing. I am not “just visiting”. I’m not sampling. I live here now. But, at the same time, I’m not living here forever. There is a timeline. (I can’t eat all the pickles.) And so, here I am, somewhere in between hola and adios, and holding on to life in two different countries because I cannot fully commit to one or the other. And it breaks my heart.

Friday, June 12, 2015

"What a Coincidence!"

Potter likes dubstep and Chelsea does, too.
Vero is a teacher and so is Lainie!
Citlalli doesn't like to eat onions and Fany doesn't either.
Karen doesn't like basketball and neither does Carmen.
Ivan likes Barcelona (the soccer team) and Sara does, too. So does Armando.
Brenda likes "Pretty Little Liars" and so does Andres D
Litzy Alondra doesn't listen to metal music and neither does Andre A.
Glory likes milk and Dani does, too!

This is unit we are currently in. (The last unit!)
It is about "connectors". So. Too. Either. Neither.
And we also learned a new vocabulary phrase: What a coincidence!!
So bringing these all together is this lovely "tetris" on our little bulletin board.

What a coincidence! Look at all the things we have in common. : )

Slightly Neglected

"Why are you in Mexico, Lainie?" To teach English and love my students and the community.
"What is your blog about, Lainie?" My adventures in Mexico.

Which has been good. But selfish.

I have neglected to keep you updated on what WE have been doing in class and about THEM (my students).

The year is nearly over. But I might as well start now.

So, this happened : ).

I went back to the USA for a week.
A surprise for the birthday-graduate.
Way to rock it, baby sister.