Friday, September 11, 2015

The Angel Program

The Short Version: Sponsor one of the students! Click HERE!

The Middle-Length Version:
Friends, I am no longer in Morelia, Mexico.
I want/ suggest/ encourage/ desire YOU to continue participating, because the work at the NOE Center is continuing.
(Not only is it continuing, it is EXPANDING. They aim to open a third campus this month!)

So here's what YOU do! : ) Be an "Angel". 
This is the student-sponsorship program.

A reminder for you: for a Mexican student to enter/graduate college in Mexico, they need to speak English.
Thus enters Centro NOE's English classes.
(The are breaking the cycles and redirecting lives here, people!)
I won't even mention how the community and extra curricular activities impact the student's AND their families lives!

So, now that I don't need you to sponsor me financially, you can sponsor them instead: ).
Click the link I have conveniently duplicated HERE!

The Video Version: 

And the link one more time is right HERE! : )
(Can you tell I'm excited?!)

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