Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 0.

Day 0. Yesterday.
I'm back in Morelia? I'm back in Morelia!
At this point I feel like I'm just visiting. But I'm not. I live here now.
I'm in an apartment with two lovely ladies. (One is a local and the other is a fellow intern.) We live just up the "calle" (street) from the Center. (I'll be moving in with a family in the coming weeks, I think.)
I saw some familiar faces last night at Bible Study! (That was exciting!)
And I've slept a lot. (I'm so tired.)
I woke up this morning to breakfast and coffee with my roommate.
And we will have our first "staff meeting" tonight!
But right now I have some time this morning to be by myself (and write this to you).
That is all.

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