Wednesday, September 10, 2014

(The New) Day 1.

(So, I did some math, which then spurred on some editing!
The former post "Day 1" is now "Day 0" and this is "(The New) Day 1" (which refers to yesterday).
Confusing? I'll pass it off on the time-zone change.)

Yesterday held some new things! (As every day should!)
I will share three (and two pictures!).

1. New word. (Among many new words!)
Mitad. Pronounced "me-tahd" (I think!). It means "half".
(Quieres mitad de la galleta? Do you want half of the cookie? Si!)

2. Hacemos salsa. (We made salsa!)

3. Tengo las llaves y los libros! I have keys and books! 
Voy a ser una maestra! I am going to be a teacher!

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