Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Warm-Up from Winter (Ex. #3)

January (in Mexico): 
The return.
Harder than anticipated. 

After being SO comfortable at home, and leaving, AGAIN, I really felt like a crazy person.
It’s the struggle of ease versus sacrifice and natural human tendencies and fears and trusting if/that GOD really does know what HE is doing.
It hurts so much to have your heart stretched between different places. And to attempt living in them both is nearly impossible (and certainly not healthy). But I am glad I came back. (See "Yesterday.") And now that I am settling in again—“finding my footing”-- I am REALLY glad I came back. 
Thank you for being "here". --Lainie

photo credit: gera
acesoria ("homework-help") teachers
photo borrowed from clau

1 comment:

  1. Bugs, I am glad that you sometimes do things that make you uncomfortable. Life can sometimes be uncomfortable, but it is a sign that you are really living. But don't get too uncomfortable.
