Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Asked and Received. (A Status Update.)

Before I moved here, I asked for 2 things: prayer and funding.
(See "A Very, Merry, Not-Quite-Christmas Letter".)

Thank you for your giving of these.
(Either or both. If neither, then thank you for following along. : ))

So, a much-do update:

The Prayer Part:
Prayer is an interesting thing because it is not tangible.
With the funding, I can SEE the numbers in my bank account. But with prayer, outside of being told directly that you and GOD are talking about me, there isn't really any way to see it, or that anything is happening.
That is, until you see the RESULTS.
I have been sustained on impossible days and I have connected with people over an impossible language/cultural barrier. Thank you for praying. (And please continue to do so.)

The Funding Part:
My goal was $7,000.
I was not fully funded when I moved here in September.
Since then, I have been extra-funded! (Over by about 20%.)
Thank you for very tangibly providing for me to be here.
What you gave may very well be the reason we have platanos (bananas) on the counter and drinking water and gas running to the stove.

I asked. You gave. I have received and we have been BLESSED.
Gracias. Muchas, muchas gracias.

1 comment:

  1. Hello All,

    As Lainie's mom, I want to share an immense thank you for any and all support you have provided to my daughter. It is because of you, acting as an extension of our Lord, that she can serve in Mexico. You are blessing not only Lainie, but all of the people with whom she interacts. I so appreciate each of you.

    With a heart of gratitude,


    Thank you for the update. It is so wonderful to hear how you are being blessed by God and those who know you. It warms my heart to know that He is making things possible for you in Morelia. I love you and miss you.
    xoxo Mom
