Saturday, March 28, 2015

"B" is for...

B is for befos ("beh-fohs").
That is a new (and made-up) Spanish word, which comes from the English term "BFs" or "best friends".

(Applause! Applause!)

That is not to say I was friendless for the last six months. (By NO means!)

But these friends are different because they are not from the NOE Center.
They are from church.

And they spontaneously showed up in my life.
I wasn't looking for them.
They were given to me-- a gift!-- straight from Jesus himself.
Because HE knew that that is what I needed.
A group of my very own girlfriends, here in south-central Mexico.

So, meet Anita.

And then, through her, Vanessa and Michelle and Fany.
photo from Michelle

They took me to the beach.
(Beach, which also starts with "b". : ))

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you, Lainie!

    Love you bunches and miss you tons,
    xoxo Mom
