Sunday, March 22, 2015

Things about Mexico #10 (The Back-Story.)

For your giggling pleasure, the story of how exactly I learned "#10".
(Click here for the original post.)

It all came out during lunch this week. 
I was talking about the neighbor (who is our age, and who I work with at NOE), and I was saying that he was really good at math and science...
But then the table erupted with shock and laughter.  "Lainie! He has a girlfriend!" Yes, I know that! I'm friends with her! But then they explained (that my body-language/ hand-motions changed the context), and I turned red and covered my face and focused on my food.
The end : ).

1 comment:

  1. Lainie,
    Thanks for sharing the back story. I can just imagine your rosy face after your communication snafu. What a memory for you.
    Love and miss you,
    xoxo Mom
