Saturday, November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Octubre: Extra Credit.

A very "American" holiday, so I am told. It isn't highly celebrated here. October 31st is very much overlooked by the following days. November 1st and 2nd (or rather, the night in between) is "Noche de Muertos" (Night of the Dead).
So, in a fun contradiction of both festivities, we held a "Noche de Vivos" (Night of the Living)! A costume party!

How the night went... 
(in Spanish)
"Lainie, quien estas?"
"Rizzo. De la pelicula 'Vasalina'."
"Ah! La Loquita!"

(in English)
"Lainie, who are you?"
"Rizzo. From the movie 'Grease'."
"Oh! The crazy one!"

getting ready with Taylor Swift
with Frida Kahlo

with my "Greasers"

Yep. Rizzo. Tough and tender. (That is another "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" movie reference! Though  that was not the original intention when I put on the outfit.)

A Study Guide to Octubre.

Cocineras Tradicionales: The state-wide food festival where chefs and abuelas cooked what they were best at.
(And where we ate it! : ))

that, folks, is an avocado popsicle...
potentially my most favorite new food.

 Dinner: "Hey, do you want to go out for tacos?" The answer is always "si!"

"Secret Life of Walter Mitty": A movie reference that I hope you understand and enjoy as much as I did. (Because, of course, when you are on an adventure in between cities in a foreign country, you will come across a Papa John's pizza parlor...)

Site-Seeing (Part A): To museums and historical sites in the city (with host-mom).

Site-Seeing (Part B): To the mall on the big hill (Altozano) (with host-sister).

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Things about Mexico #6

And I must preface this to say, bathroom-selfies are one of my least favorite things. However, for this post I found one to be more so appropriate.

El Papel (del baño). The Toilet Paper.

This one is actually pretty significant. (Though, like the others, it hasn't taken too long to adjust to.)
So, when you're done with your T.P., where does it go?
(Um... in the toilet?)
Ha! No. See that little trash can next to the toilet? That's where it goes.
And when the basket starts to fill, take out the trash.

(A quick story. I walked into a public bathroom and saw the toilet was clogged because there was paper in it. "Ah, gringos," I sighed. Someone was obviously visiting and didn't know any better...)

And with that, another little note: If you need to use a public bathroom...
Bring your own paper.
Otherwise, you can buy a few squares from the kind person sitting outside the bathroom who knows you didn't come prepared. : )

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things about Mexico #5


The current exchange rate for pesos to USD is around 12.6.
Meaning, for about $12 pesos, it's $1 dollar. 
(And the money-symbol is the same. How about that?!)

So, when the sign says that plate of tacos is $21... you really don't have much to worry about.


Monday, November 10, 2014

A Pop-Quiz of Septiembre.

Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:
"Sometimes in Mexico we..."

...go to the fireworks show that is displayed over the cathedral on Saturday nights.

...celebrate Dia de la Independencia with the kids at a casa hogar (orphanage).
photo credit: Fer

...attend a fiesta and win for being dressed "Most Mexican". 
photo credit: NOE

...go downtown on a semi-improvised photo-shoot. at Starbucks.

(Correct answer: all of the above.)