Friday, November 28, 2014

A Study Guide to Octubre.

Cocineras Tradicionales: The state-wide food festival where chefs and abuelas cooked what they were best at.
(And where we ate it! : ))

that, folks, is an avocado popsicle...
potentially my most favorite new food.

 Dinner: "Hey, do you want to go out for tacos?" The answer is always "si!"

"Secret Life of Walter Mitty": A movie reference that I hope you understand and enjoy as much as I did. (Because, of course, when you are on an adventure in between cities in a foreign country, you will come across a Papa John's pizza parlor...)

Site-Seeing (Part A): To museums and historical sites in the city (with host-mom).

Site-Seeing (Part B): To the mall on the big hill (Altozano) (with host-sister).

1 comment:

  1. Avocado popsicles? I'm so glad you found a treat that was new and exciting to you. I think I will pass.

    love and hugs,
