Friday, November 28, 2014

Octubre: Extra Credit.

A very "American" holiday, so I am told. It isn't highly celebrated here. October 31st is very much overlooked by the following days. November 1st and 2nd (or rather, the night in between) is "Noche de Muertos" (Night of the Dead).
So, in a fun contradiction of both festivities, we held a "Noche de Vivos" (Night of the Living)! A costume party!

How the night went... 
(in Spanish)
"Lainie, quien estas?"
"Rizzo. De la pelicula 'Vasalina'."
"Ah! La Loquita!"

(in English)
"Lainie, who are you?"
"Rizzo. From the movie 'Grease'."
"Oh! The crazy one!"

getting ready with Taylor Swift
with Frida Kahlo

with my "Greasers"

Yep. Rizzo. Tough and tender. (That is another "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" movie reference! Though  that was not the original intention when I put on the outfit.)

1 comment:

  1. Lainie,

    It's great to see that you're having such a good time.

    Love you,
    xoxo Mom
