Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Noviembre: Part 2

"Festival International de los Globos" happens each year in Leon (a town in the another state). It was a once-in-a-lifetime event! (And, by that I mean, now I've done it once and won't need to again.) Actually, quite a story... The pictures turned out really well!

with Kristen

I went with Damaris on an exploration of the furniture store (the one referenced in "Walking"). Three-floors, packed corner-to-corner with statues and chairs and wall art and other things! Of course, some pictures were taken...

Damaris had some basketball games in Uruapan (an hour or so away). It's the avocado capital! (This certainly meant another paleta de aquacate for me!) We also walked through the national forest park. That may have been my favorite place I have visited so far.

There is some significance behind the celebration currently happening downtown (though, the explanations have been vague). It has something to do with the Catholic church, I think. But the reason everyone has been flocking to "El Caballito" ("The Little Horse" plaza) these last few weeks is because of the cañas (sugar cane). It is skinned, sliced, and sold in bolsas (bags). You chew it for the juice and then spit the fiber into the trash bag. And the flavors slightly differ from vendor to vendor. There are a TON of vendors, so there is also a ton of sampling. (So much so that I didn't feel a need to actually buy a bag of my own!) My English conversation class took me out to try it. We called it a "field trip" : ).

1 comment:

  1. Lainie,
    The photos always add so much to your blog. They certainly compliment the stories and the colors are so vivid! I tried to imagine more of the national forest and understood why it would be a favorite of yours. I am sure it is quite beautiful.

    Love you and miss you,
    xoxo Mom
