Saturday, December 13, 2014

What We've Been Learning.

"Lainie, what have you been learning?"
(You mean "Spanish"?)
No. English.

Allow me to explain.
I knew how to speak English, of course. (I've been practicing for nearly twenty years...) But it is an entirely different scenario when you have to explain "how" and "why".
It's actually rather exciting.
All that to say, I'm been learning a lot of English alongside my students : ). (Though, some are equally as eager to help me learn Spanish. They are especially fond of finding words they KNOW I can't pronounce. That is, the ones with "rr". I haven't quite mastered the tongue-rolling yet.)

So, then, what have WE been learning? I'll tell you.
Nearly every concept we have covered in the last three months can be summed up by one song: "We are the Champions" by Queen.
It's lyrics contain past, present, present perfect, and future tense. (It also has idioms.)
Thank you, Freddie Mercury.

*Fun Side-Note: We just took the test over "present perfect" tense. This covers sentences using "have" or "has". Thus, the title of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Bugs,

    I can't say I ever thought about this song teaching so much about English. How amazing! I doubt Freddie Mercury ever thought it would be used to teach English in Mexico!

    Love you heaps and heaps,
    xoxo Mom
