Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Estas son las Mañanitas..."

"Las Mañanitas" is the Spanish birthday song. 
I like it. And I heard it quite a bit recently...

I had my birthday.

Twenty-one is a more "significant" age in the United States. 
("Congratulations. Now you can do the things you could already do in Mexico." 
Ha! True. Thank you for observing that, Lauren. : )) 

But even so, I was celebrated
At that, celebrated in great abundance! (Celebrated with surprises and celebrated for days!)

(all completed!!)

#1. A piñata

#2. A flower crown

#3. Tacos Compean
(favorite food with some favorite people)

Extra: A trip to "Forever 21" : )
(woo hoo!)

Thank you very much, everyone. // 
Muchisimas gracias, todos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh birthday joy! It blesses me tremendously to see that your birthday was such a happy one for you.

    Love you,
    xoxo Mom
