Saturday, May 23, 2015

Staff Meeting.

AT THE BEACH!?! Yes, indeed! “Hola from Zihuatanejo!”
(And 6,000 points to whoever can tell me which classic film supposedly ended on this beach…)

It was wonderful. Even, perfect.

with Clau

Danny, Pau, Zac, y Carmen : )
These are the coconuts that were cut straight off the tree
that this hammock is hanging from.
We drank the water and ate the meat and it was THE COOLEST.
(with Abril)

This is the gardener who retrieved us the coconuts
and opened them with his machete! (Woo hoo!)


  1. First to respond is the first to win!!! What is Shawshank Redemption for 6,000 pts! Woo hoo!

    Beautiful! The girls and the scenery!

    xoxo Mom

  2. So this is what "Missionaries" do in Mexico. Look gorgeous.

    Hmmmm is it Zorro? No it's Shawshank Redemption. ;)
