Saturday, May 9, 2015

Things about Mexico #11

Las Combis.

The public transportation system within Morelia. 
The are like mini-buses, or big vans, I guess. 
All the seats line the edges, and there is space to stand (or slouch) in the middle. 
(I'll tell you, we can really pack it out! Very stereo-typical, clown-car-like at times. : ))
It costs $7 pesos (about 50¢ USDto take the combi anywhere
Super convenient!! (And an entirely new concept for me, because I hadn't used public transit in the United States.)

There are all different colors, and the colors define the routes. 
Azul A will take you from the NOE Center to the Cathedral downtown.
And Gris 1 will get you to the church and the movie theater. 
These are the two that I can use with confidence. (There are so many other colors! I haven't even seen all of them yet!)

I've been able to use them by myself since November. (Thanks to Nadia, a fellow teacher-friend turned tour-guide. We would go out to practice. : )) Even so, it is still really exciting every time I hail one. "Yes, I can navigate this city like a local!" (Ha! It's the little normal things that are huge accomplishments.)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of your adventurous travel spirit!

    Love you,
    xoxo Mom
