Friday, October 10, 2014

From the First Day of School.

(From September 22.)

First-day-of-school-standing-next-to-a-tree photo.
A Ford family tradition.
It started approximately 17 years ago.
(That is, on my first day of preschool.)
Not going to stop now! : )

Two things that are different:
1. This time I'm not a student : ).
2. The tree is not of the "pine" variety...
Oh! And 3. My hair is shorter than it has ever been on the first day of school! Ha!
(Thank you, Kionna Anish.)

1 comment:

  1. My Lainie girl,
    How sweet of you to remember the family tradition! This pix of you by the tree just warmed my heart. Thanks for sharing it with us all. (Ah.... that happy face shows you are excited for school. Yeah!)
    Love you so much,
    xoxo Mom
