Monday, October 20, 2014

Things about Mexico #2 and #3

El Agua. (The Water.)
Don't drink it. At least, not out of the tap.
(Unless you want to meet Montezuma.)
This goes for travelers and for locals.
Everyone drinks water out of garrafones.
(Does anyone know the word in English? I don't...)
It didn't take that long for me to get used to.
And then again, thinking about life in the States, flushing our toilets with clean drinking water seems rather ridiculous...

And the photo above may be a little deceiving, because #3:

with Kristen and Celene
Los Pantalones. (Pants.)
The sun is out. As an Oregonian, this is a sure sign to bust out the shorts and flip flops.
But here, we wear pants. That's just the way it is.
Shorts are worn at home or for sports or on weekends. And some other times, too.
But most often, we wear pants.

(Ha! If you didn't read the whole thing, and only that last line, it's kind of funny out of context!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lainie,

    So glad you are doing your best to avoid Montezuma's Revenge. It's nice to know you are enjoying some sunshine. The rain here has begun to fall and fall and fall.....

    Love you, my sweet girl,
    xoxo Mom
