Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Out of the house.
Down the street.

Right at the convenience store. 
Left at big store that sells fancy art-things and furniture.
Across the big green bridge over the libramiento.

Past the aquarium-pet store, the hardware store, the dry-cleaners, two tire shops, and a house that sells used furniture. 
(Also, past probably a half-dozen in-house restaurants and beauty salons.)
Right at the corner with the tiger painted on the wall.

And one more block until I am on the steps in front of NOE.

1 comment:

  1. Bugs,

    What a fun tour of your walk to NOE. I so enjoyed traveling with your words and pictures. I had visions of you strolling along, smile on your face...

    Love you bunches,
    xoxo Mom
